IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr K.Mutharasan,Dr S.HenryPandian
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/S3/125


Libraries are transforming from occupying printed collections to digital collections. The present generation enjoys the abundance of information available in varieties of forms and formats. Searching and transferring of information have become an inseparable part of the research and development. Electronic publication is replacing print on paper publication. It offers an alternative medium for readers .As a result of this emerging consortium that enables libraries to have electronic access to professional literature including research journals, abstracts, review publications, databases in science and technology. Online access to databases enables users to retrieve relevant and latest information in a minimum time.The digital and electric Library Resources constitutes digitalized data and information, which gradually replaces paper based document.Today with the advent of computers, the nature of Libraries has changed dramatically. Computers are being used in libraries to process, store, retrieve and disseminate information.. Libraries have now metamorphosed into “digital institutions”. These may be delivered on CD ROM, on tapes, via internet and so on. The e-resources on magnetic and optical media have a vast impact on the collections of University Libraries. Electronic Journals are very important source for the scientific research and development. E-journal is becoming vital to carry any meaning full research. Today, electronics resource is an essential part of the students and teachers. The faculties of engineering colleges are extensively using the E-resources. Libraries have to provide the technology necessary for user access to scholarly Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources and a growing number of electronic databases. The total sample for the present study consists of 560 respondents. The data analysis was carried out by using statistical methods like multiple linear regression ANOVA and chi- square test. This study analyses that in all the categories of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in the databases usage at “Adequate” which remains more followed by “Inadequate” at less .This study reveals the difference between the faculty members with regard to CD-ROMS/DVDS. Out of 560 respondents, 81.43 per cent of the CD-ROMMS / DVDS at “Adequate” at the top most level followed by “Inadequate” at 18.58 per cent This analysis reveals that in all the categories of professors, Associate professors and Assistant professors are using the search information from Internet at a higher level followed by “Not Using Internet” remains at very low percentage. The mean value of all the variables ranges between 4.02 and 4.64. The standard deviation of opinion ranges between 0.774 and 0.984. Further, in this study, Chi square has been administered to identify the significance. The table value is 15.507 at 5% level of significance, the calculated value of most of the variables were higher than the table value which indicated the variables are significant in their opinion between the respondent categories towards the value importance of the electronic reference services by the users except the variable of ‘Web forms’. The user satisfaction is the most important in measuring the quantitative and qualitative strategy to each and every library e resources and e services. Academic libraries are providing resources and services using technologies and tools to maximise the user satisfaction. In these circumstances, library professionals must extract e-resources and e-services among the end users. E-resources and digitization techniques and other resources by e-services to attain the entire satisfaction of academic and research communities. So that, this study concluded that “the awareness and satisfaction of library e-resources and e-services facilities are more satisfactory”.

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