IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) For Disaster Prediction and Risk Reduction

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Shambhu Bhardwaj


Natural disasters have the ability to cause massive devastation and economic loss. Actual harm and loss have been escalating in recent decades. As a result, disaster managers must assume a greater duty to safeguard their populations proactively by adopting effective management plans. Several research papers use artificial intelligence (AI) tools to handle disaster data in order to aid in disaster management. Artificial intelligence can plan for disasters in a way that a human mind would find difficult to achieve under pressure. This includes improved crowd management skills, the capacity to organised rescue operations, and the capability to overcome prejudices relating to race, religion, gender, caste, disability, and age. In this paper, the author reviewed the use of AI in management of natural disaster and Disaster risk Reduction which can future researchers to explore more and more for better economy of the nation.

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