IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Urban Flooding and Its Implications for the Future

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Nisha Sahal


Metropolitan flooding is becoming a significant threat because of increased densification of urban areas, land-use changes, and environmental changes. The conventional method of dealing with floods is to design single-reason seepage structures, dams, and levees. These strategies, on the other hand, are well-known for increasing flood risk and devastation of riverine ecosystems in both urban and rural settings. Humans depart from the strength hypothesis in this study and provide an option to increase urban flood flexibility. The researcher identifies areas where current challenges need greater community urban flood management across the board. The concept emphasizes flexibility and achieving cooperative energy between increased ability to cope with stormwater overflow and better urban experience and utility. People recognize research is necessary such as investigations into improved maintainable but also versatile stormwater executives in particular, ability to adapt of stormwater frameworks, energy use reduction, effective land use, transportation but also financial nexus, ecological way, ensuring basic foundation, but also resolving obligations questions. In this paper, the author talks about flooding in cities and future concerns.

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