IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

"Unveiling Thomas's Translation of Tirukkural: A Comparative Analysis of Key Couplets Against the Original Text"

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Chris Tina David, K. Vijila


Textual analysis in translation is the process of analyzing a document to determine its meaning and purpose as well as the best way to translate it into another language. The process usually includes carefully reading the piece and learning about its context, history, and culture. Translation studies heavily rely on the well-known text known as Tirukkural, a Tamil classical epic written in ancient times. The famous book Kural is thought to have been written by Tiruvalluvar. Numerous translations have been in use in our society since the first translation, which happened in 1593, and up until the present. For this article, the researcher has chosen to use the most recent translation by Thomas Hitoshi Pruiksma. Since he translated the book into his mother tongue, he qualifies as a native translator. "The Kural: Tiruvalluvar's Tirukkural, A New Translation of the Classical Tamil Masterpiece on Ethics, Power, and Love" is the title of the translation he completed in 2022. The purpose of this essay is to evaluate how successfully this modern translator has connected with the readership.

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