IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Unraveling Nissim Ezekiel's "Night of the Scorpion": A Comprehensive Exploration of Themes and Stylistic Elements

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This study delves into the intricacies of Nissim Ezekiel's renowned poem, "Night of the Scorpion," offering a comprehensive analysis of its thematic richness and stylistic nuances. Ezekiel, a prominent figure in Indian literature, unfolds a vivid narrative of his mother's encounter with a scorpion, weaving together elements of Indian philosophy, cultural traditions, and personal reflection. The analysis dissects the poem's dramatic progression, exploring the symbolic significance of the scorpion, the interplay of religious beliefs, and the poet's role as an observer amid the unfolding events. Key themes such as karma, dharma, and the mystical impact of the scorpion's sting on the protagonist's mother are scrutinized, highlighting Ezekiel's narrative craftsmanship.

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