IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Universalization of Health for Social Sector Development: A Meta-Analysis of Literature

Main Article Content

Kasturi Mohanty, Prof. Navaneeta Rath


The proliferation of health-related studies in recent decades has brought forth a wealth of diverse research, conducted in various temporal and spatial contexts, employing disparate subjects, designs, methods, and tools. This diversity often leads to heterogeneous conclusions, emphasizing the need for systematic reviews and meta-analyses to synthesize information and address complex issues. This article contributes to the burgeoning literature by presenting a meta-analysis focused on the universalization of health and its correlation with social sector development in India. Recognizing that significant problems require a collective body of research, the study employs the PICO framework to break down the complex issue into manageable components. Despite an abundance of stand-alone articles, a noticeable absence of correlational studies is observed in the literature, prompting a comprehensive meta-analysis. The authors gather data from various sources, including Google, Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science, Lancet, and Scopus, considering academic literature and policy documents at both global and national levels. The findings reveal a prioritization of universalization of health on the international agenda, influencing national governments, particularly in the second decade of the new millennium. While literature emphasizes the importance of universal health access for social sector development, the analysis underscores a persistent gap between policy pronouncements and practical implementation in India. Structural issues, functional deficiencies, and financial constraints hinder the realization of equitable, accessible, and quality healthcare for all.

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