IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Unique challenges faced by Employees and Vendors under WFH scenario in the Offshore Software Development in India

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Shreesh Prabhakar Bodas Dr. Tejashree Deshmukh


The Global Pandemic for Novel Corona Virus COVID-19 was unanticipated, unsolicited and shocking for all of us and it forced us to experience a new world that this generation had never experienced or even unheard in the recent past. The best and easiest way to combat Covid in early days was Social Distancing. The severity and rapid pace of infection forced governments all over the globe to implement lockdown and stricter social distancing norms. It forced organizations’ workforce to stay at home and work from home (WFH). As per By mid-April 2020, 59 countries had implemented telework for nonessential publicly employed staff” (ILO brief,2020, P. 1-.2). India witnessed one of longest nationwide lockdown starting from 25th March, 2020 extended till 31st May, 2020. The unusual and unexpected working from home of this magnitude was the biggest change and created a paradigm shift in the way we use to live and work. The Work From Home scenario proved quite effective. However it had some Advantages and Disadvantages for various stakeholders like Employees, Vendors, Organizations and Clients

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