IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography (Uplc)

Main Article Content

Ayushi Chawla, Suraj Mandal, Prabhakar Vishvakarma, Nilam Pramod Nile, Vanita Nilesh Lokhande, Vidya Keshav Kakad


Today's pharmaceutical industry and analytical labs are always looking for innovative solutions to save costs, shorten medication analysis times, and boost product quality. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography is one innovative method of using liquid chromatography. By employing particles smaller than 2 µm, UPLC enhances three aspects of liquid chromatography, namely speed, sensitivity, and resolution of analysis. The mechanism can tolerate large backpressures. UPLC separations consume up to 100 MPa, however neither the analytical column nor other chromatographic system components are affected. UPLC requires less time and solvent than HPLC. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography may reach better resolutions and sensitivities via particle chemistry, system optimization, and data processing. Using sub-2 mm particles at faster linear velocities and equipment that works at higher pressures than HPLC may dramatically enhance resolution, sensitivity, and analysis speed. This new field of analytical separation science maintains the value and concepts of HPLC while offering a step function enhancement in chromatographic performance. This review focuses on UPLC's fundamental theory, instrumentation, and principles. In this overview, the UPLC chromatography technique is explained along with the most current research in the area.

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