IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Dr. N. R. Savatikar


India is a pluralist country, with rich diversity, reflected in the multitude of cultures, religions, languages and racial stocks. The Indian population includes different castes, communities and social groups. The prevalence of such pluralism has made the social fabric stratified and hierarchical consequently, social and economic opportunities are differentially distributed on the lines of caste and class affiliations.The emergence of the concept of community schools in the context of tribal areas was a result of the culmination of several processes at the community and administrative levels. Extensive developmental work, namely building, infrastructure, promotion of alternative economic activities, introduction of market mechanisms etc., among the tribal community participation. This, in the long run, proved catalytic in creating awareness about the prevailing educational deprivation in the community and generated a demand for access.Establishment of community schools was also possible due to the community ability to take responsibilities and in capacity to discharge them effectively. In this respect the community’s recent-experience, of participation in planning and implementation of the externally funded development project, proved to be beneficial. Further, the socio cultural tradition of the tribal community where community participation is embedded, has allowed in the accept the partnership and take responsibility for managing the school.

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