IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Trends of Industrialization of Western Maharashtra: Acase Study of Sangli District

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Dr. Govardhan S Ubale , Dr Subhash D Kamble Dr. Siddharth S Ghoderao Dr. Sunil G Bhosle


Industrialization refers to the process of fostering the growth of the manufacturing industry to achieve economic development and raise the standard of living by leveraging a region's natural resources and transforming them into productive wealth (Chaudhari, 1966). It entails a systematic and organized approach where basic resources are processed and transformed to manufacture new products. Industrialization involves a series of interconnected activities, including mechanization, establishment of new industries, market expansion, and resource exploitation in previously untapped regions. These processes contribute to the accumulation and universalization of capital.

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