IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Transgender: Status in India

Main Article Content

Dr. Shobhna Jeet, Mamta Shankar


`Transgender community includes Hijras, Eunuchs, Kothis, Aravanis, Jogappas, ShivShakthis etc., who have been a part of Indian society for centuries. The Vedic and Puranic literatures mention ―tritiyaprakriti‖ meaning the third gender and ―napunsaka‖ meaning someone with the loss of procreativeability. The word hijra used in the Indian language appears to be derived from the Persian word hiz, i.e., someone who is effeminate and/or ineffective or incompetent. Another commonly used word is kinnar, whereas chhakka is used in aderogatory context. Though most of the eunuchs seen todayare begging at traffic signals or during weddings, they were a respected lot during the Mughal rule in the Medieval India. The word ―eunuch‖ is derived from the Greek word ―Euneukhos‖ which literally means bed chamber attendant.‖ Hence, they were put in charge of harems due to their emasculation. During the British rule, they were denied civil rights and were considered a separate caste or tribe who did kidnapping and castration of children and danced and dressed-like women. The LGBTQ group is referred to as the ―lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community‖ which includes those with gender dysphoria and different sexual orientations. The lesbian and gay people have been accepted in many parts of the world and have also got their rights, but the transgender is still without rights.

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