IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Tracing Technological Progress in Cinema - A Content Analytical Study

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Mr. Jaladi Rajendra Kumar Mr. Yalavarthy Subhash Ms. Yaramala Oliva


This research delves into the transformative journey of technological progress within the realm of cinema. Focused on the evolution from traditional film formats to contemporary digital technologies, the study employs a comprehensive approach to trace the impact of technological advancements on cinematic storytelling. Through an exploration of key films spanning different eras, the research analyses visual and auditory elements, encompassing cinematography, special effects, and sound design. By employing a holistic perspective, the study aims to unveil the profound influence of technology on the aesthetics, narrative structures, and overall cinematic experience. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how technological progress has not only shaped individual films but has also redefined the very essence of storytelling in the cinematic medium. This investigation serves as a valuable resource for scholars, filmmakers, and enthusiasts seeking insights into the dynamic interplay between technology and the art of cinema.

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