IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

To Investigate The Influence Of Plant-Based Photosensitisers On Aphids Under Varying Temperature Settings

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Sushila, Dr. Seema Kumari,Prof. U.V.S.Teotia


Plant-Based Photosentizers, when exposed to light, photosensitisers generate reactive oxygen species (ROS). They are used in photodynamic therapy for light-induced cell death and chromophore-assisted light inactivation (CALI) for protein inactivation. When a wavelength of light activates a photosensitiser, dangerous reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced. PDT has many advantages over chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery, including minimal invasiveness, low toxicity, a short treatment duration, and a cheap cost. When properly given, PDT has no long-term side effects. This paper studies plant-based photosensitisers and their impact on aphids at different temperature conditions.

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