IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Title: The Evolution of Gender Roles in English Literature: A Comparative Analysis from the Victorian Era to the Present Day

Main Article Content

Manita Hooda


This study looks at how gender roles changed in English literature from the Victorian to the modern eras. This article examines how cultural perceptions regarding gender roles have changed over time and how this has been mirrored in the representation of characters and their interactions via an analysis of a few literary works. To illustrate the development of gender dynamics in literature, important issues including patriarchy, female autonomy, and gender identity will be examined via a comparative comparison. The research sheds light on the evolving historical views on gender roles and the continuous fight for gender parity, offering insightful viewpoints into the larger sociocultural background of English literature. This study attempts to explore the complex subtleties of gender representation in literature by following its development throughout important historical eras. In contrast to the modern day, when ideas of gender and identity have grown more flexible and diverse, the Victorian era is distinguished by its strict adherence to patriarchal traditions. Throughout this trip, the article aims to analyse the fundamental power dynamics that underlie gender interactions, paying special attention to the widespread impact of patriarchy and its literary expressions. Through in-depth examination of a few chosen literary works—from modern masterpieces to canonical classics—we want to clarify the nuances of female agency and resistance under patriarchal frameworks. Furthermore, the investigation of gender identity goes beyond simple binary conceptions to examine the complexity of gender expression and how it is portrayed in literature.

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