IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

"The Study Of Awareness & Analysis Of Stem Cell Technology Business In The Maharashtra State Of India"

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Dr. Priyanka Pawar, Dr. Sameer Narkhede


The term stem cell was coined by Theodore Boveri and Valentin Hacker in late 19th century (Miguel Ramaldo, 2007). Revolutionary works in theory of blood stem cell were conducted in the beginning of 20th century by Artur Pappaenhein, Alexander Maximow, Ernst Neumann. Stem cells have fascinated both biologists and clinicians for over a century. Stem cells are special human cells that are able to develop into many different cell types, from muscle cells to brain cells. They have ability to fix damaged tissues. Researchers in stem cells believe that stem cell-based therapies have a potential to treat serious illness such as Paralysis, Alzheimer. There are two types of stem cells, embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. For research purpose embryonic stem cells are useful and they come from unused embryos. These can be donated or come from in vitro fertilization. The nature of Embryonic stem cells is pluripotent. That means they can turn into more than one type of cell. Adult stem cells are of two types: Tissue specific stem cells such as the brain, skin and bone marrow and these are more likely to generate only certain types of cells. Induced pluripotent stem cells is the second type of adult stem cells and these can be changed in lab to be more likely to generate embryonic stem cells. The objective of this research is to study the stem cell technology which is rapidly developing field that collaborate the efforts of cells biologists, genericities and clinicians and offers hope of effective treatment for variety of malignant and non-malignant diseases.

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