IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Role of Women in War Literature: Examining Their Voices and Perspectives

Main Article Content

Vishnu Divya Kotagiri
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/V11/ISS13/107


This research paper delves into the significant but often overlooked role of women in war literature. It explores the voices and perspectives of women in the context of armed conflicts, shedding light on their unique experiences, contributions, and challenges. Through a comprehensive analysis of various war narratives, this study highlights how women have not only served on the frontlines but have also been pivotal behind the scenes. Their roles as soldiers, nurses, and civilians are examined, demonstrating the diversity of their experiences and the evolution of their portrayal in war literature. By dissecting their narratives, this research illuminates the multifaceted and essential contributions of women to the broader discourse on war.

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