IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Role of Nutritious Diet in Boosting Athletic Performance

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Mr. Vishal Rajendra Honmane


Athletes and sportspeople should be aware of the importance of nutrition. The performance of a sportsperson during competition can be impacted by numerous elements, each of which may be related to a different domain. Sportspeople who do not take enough dietary energy as a whole frequently experience nutritional-related issues. It is no secret that in the contemporary era of top sports, nutrition has become a critical aspect that can impact an athlete's performance. It's not by chance that we hear a lot about athletes' tight diet regimens; the optimum diet programme will vary depending on the sport, the athlete's goals, and their unique tastes Each of them has a particular purpose in supplying the body with nutrition. Recognizing what each does to his body under the physical, mental, and emotional pressures of competition is crucial for the sportsman. The primary source of energy utilized to meet the work demands of a given sport will depend on the length and intensity of the exercise performed in that sport. The right diet and nutritional strategies can improve athletic performance, and nutrition is crucial to an athlete's success. The diet of the athlete should contain plenty of carbs, moderate amounts of proteins, and little or no fat. Teenagers who participate in sports have higher nutrient requirements due to the additional demands of increased physical activity in addition to needs for growth, development, and wellness. Due to a lack of appropriate nutritional counselling, the health and nutritional status of this population may be impaired. Additionally, false information about wholesome foods spread by the media to school-age children can be highly dangerous. This review paper's objectives are to illustrate the dietary requirements of young people and athletes taking part in various sports, as well as to educate young people and athletes on the value of proper nutrition when engaging in physical activity.

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