IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Role of Chapati (Wheat Roti) as a dietary cause for Fissure-in-Ano among Wheat Roti Consuming Population – A Retrospective Cohort Study

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Dr.Raktimabha Jena Dr.Arshia Chisti Dr.Shreekala P V


Improper ahara-vihara is the cause for all diseases. This is well established fact that among ahara related etiology, godhooma (wheat) is said to be heavy for digestion and passage of hard constipated stools results tear in the lower anal canal which includes pain during and after defecation. A gluten protein is found in wheat, causes an inflammatory reaction that leads to flattening of the lining of the small intestine, interfere with the absorption of nutrients. The wheat roti will eventually become the risk factor for fissure-in-ano. Parikartika occur due to pitta and vata, which, after vitiation, get accumulated in the guda. Intake of aharas which are water absorbent leads to constipation. Apana vata gets aggravated in its own seat (Pakwashaya) blocking the srotas, drying them producing obstruction to the movement of feces, flatus and urine. Some patients said intake of more vegetables, fruits & drinking adequate number of fluids get relieved their problems. Hence a retrospective study was planned and conducted through evidence based structured questionnaires to rule out the consumption of wheat roti as one of the dietary cause for fissure-in-ano and were also treated for chronic anal fissure at KLE’s BMK Ayurveda Hospital, Belagavi. A total of 200 patients were studied and data analysed. Descriptive statistics were used to describe demographic and clinical characteristics in the study. Parikartika is very common among ano-rectal diseases due to improper ahara-vihara. The health of an individual depends solely on his diet and lifestyle. This would bring the awareness in the society about the common complications like distension of abdomen, constipation and fissure-in-ano by the consumption of wheat Roti

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