IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Relationship between Dietary Habits and Sleep Quality

Main Article Content

Dr. Ajinkya Bahulekar Mrs. Ujwala R. Mane Mr. Shivaji H. Pawar


The intricate relationship between dietary habits and sleep quality represents a multifaceted interplay that significantly influences overall health. This literature review synthesizes findings from various studies spanning different age groups and populations to provide a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic interaction. Adolescents' experiences with sleep difficulties, prevalence of sleep disturbances in Chinese adolescents, and trends in self-reported sleep problems among Finish adolescents contribute to insights into the unique challenges faced by younger populations. Studies exploring short- and long-term health consequences of sleep disruption underscore the pervasive impact of disturbed sleep on well-being. Beyond adolescence, investigations into the correlation between lifestyle behaviors during pregnancy and postpartum depression, dietary patterns in medical students, and dietary intake among adults offer a broader perspective on the diverse factors influencing sleep quality. The review extends to include a comprehensive examination of interventions, challenges, and potential applications in promoting optimal sleep and nutritional well-being. Challenges, such as methodological heterogeneity and difficulty isolating specific factors, are discussed alongside the advantages and disadvantages of current research approaches.

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