IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Psychic Impact of Climatic Imbalance: An Insight into Michael Crichton’s State of Fear.

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Soumya. S. J,Dr N.U. Lekshmi


Literature is often a reflection of the human psyche. It divulges the untold psychological elements like, happiness, sorrows and feelings of people through the protagonists. The impact of Freudian psychology on modern literature is far reaching. Trauma is a major psychological issue, if not diagnosed in the beginning, will create incurable health issues. Trauma will affect both the mind and the body. Men and women are equally affected by trauma. Psychological trauma is a reaction to an incident where a person finds himself highly stressed. The conditions include war, natural disaster, accident or the loss of close ones. Michael Crichton in his cli-fi, State of Fear adopts a different approach on climate change. The psychological trauma discussed in the novel is a sense of fear caused by artificial environmental degradation. Though fear is normally a common issue, when out of control, it turns to be a psychological problem. Along with other reasons, environmental degradation caused by climate change is a reason behind people’s mental imbalance.

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