IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Problem of Adverse Selection, Moral Hazards and Break up of Contract Marriages

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Dr. Anupam Sabharwal


Marriage frauds have reached a critical juncture as contract marriage becomes a modus operandi to reach the destination country. Contract marriage is an unwritten agreement or contract between two young potential migrant marriageable couples, i.e., bride and groom for achieving a common goal of international mobility. It is like a situation of the Stackelberg model, where one acts as a leader and the second follows him. In this situation, bride acts as a leader due to their better quality of education and groom becomes follower. It is a cooperative game to gain expected joint utility from expected joint migration but turns into a non-cooperative game when brides do not keep this relationship and marriages break up. To study the causes of failures of contract marriages, a sample survey of 100 couples’ was conducted. The paramount factors of breakup of contract marriages are incompatibility among the couples, infidelity, patriarchal behaviour of the groom, financial distress, adverse selection, and cultural change.

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