IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Overview of the Smart Irrigation System

Main Article Content

Gyan Prakash Singh


Agriculture has been practiced since the dawn of time. The earliest agricultural settlements were established in the Indus Valley, where humans began to cultivate crops. The conventional approach has been followed since then. As we all know, water is the most important resource for growing crops, and the current situation is deteriorating the water percentage day by day. Farmers did not know how to monitor the precise temperature of the water while using earlier irrigation systems, therefore they poured a huge quantity of water. To address this issue, this article proposes a smart irrigation and automated approach that minimizes the additional water loss caused by the prior method. This innovative method uses a soil moisture monitoring equipment to determine how much water is in the soil, and then irrigation is done appropriately

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