IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Nilgiris District Tea Factories: A Financial and Physical Analysis

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The Tea Industry is one of the oldest organized firm sectors with a large network of tea producers, retailers, distributors, auctioneers, exporters and employees. India is one of the world’ s largest producer and consumer of tea, which accounts for 27 percent of the world production and around 12– 13 percent of the world tea export. Tea, the broad-leaved tree crop, is believed to have originated from South-East Asia and the original home is an indefinite area. It may be the Tibetan Plateau including Sze-Chuan, Yu-nan, Sain, North-East India or China. Tea was known to China even before B.C. 2000 and was first used as a medicine during forth century, and later as a beverage by the end of the sixth century onwards. The Europeans came to know about tea in the sixteenth century.

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