IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The impact of loanwords on the growth and transformation of the English language

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Dr. Sanjay Yohan Brahmane


Loan words are the words adopted from other languages. Because of perceived advantages in terms of power, prestige, or economic status, one language group will borrow more words from another, creating an imbalance in cultural exchange. This study sheds light on the complex patterns of linguistic borrowing, the multiple uses, and the gradual incorporation of borrowed words into the English language. The ability to modify loanwords is demonstrated by phonological development, which is seen in pronunciation changes and grammatical adaptations to English sounds, such as gender and the emergence of new systems. This study does so through historical and contemporary philological studies that emphasise how Latin, French, and Greek borrowings greatly expanded the vocabulary of English and influenced its grammar. The writings of leading linguists have emphasised the profound impact of loanwords on English syntax, grammar, and overall linguistic development. This study describes how English developed through intensive research as an integration of multiple linguistic assets, in which borrowed words were adopted to represent cultural nuances, intellectual assets, and historical interactions. Continued borrowing adds to the continuing growth and diversity of the English vocabulary, encouraging its versatility and multidimensional expression. English is a language of importance for global connectivity across various sectors.

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