IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Housing Conditional Pattern of Marine and Non-Marine Fishing Communities in Some Coastel Villages of Sindhudurg District Of Maharashtra, India

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Mr. Rajhans A. Kamble , Dr. Suresh K. Pawar


Housing condition and household amenities refer to the quality and features of a residential dwelling, including its physical condition, structural integrity, and the presence of basic and luxury amenities that enhance the living experience. Housing condition typically includes factors such as the age of the building, the state of its interior and exterior maintenance, and the quality of its construction materials. A wellmaintained and structurally sound home will typically have fewer issues with leaks, pests, or other problems that can affect residents' health and safety. The housing activity in rural areas differs significantly from that in urban areas in that it is significantly more reliant on access to resources and land rights than on the cash economy. It is necessary to give the poor home sites in rural areas so they can build houses on top of them.

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