IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Emergence of Block Chain and its Security Measures

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Shambhu Bhardwaj


The application possibilities for blockchain technology are exciting. Blockchain has been used in numerous sectors, from the first coin to the modern smart contract. Although there has been some research on the privacy and security concerns with blockchain, there hasn't been a thorough investigation of the safety of blockchain systems. Due to its decentralized, persistent, anonymity, as well as auditability qualities, blockchain technology has drawn significant interest from both businesses and academics. The present study focuses on the role of blockchain in today’s world and also discussed its security measures. To deliver more efficient and effective service, organizations must undergo a comprehensive digital transformation of their people, business, and technological aspects. As a result, the so-called disruptive technology known as blockchain is crucial to assuring the digital transformation of enterprises. In this research, certain conclusions have been drawn on the use of scenario analysis and blockchain technology when implementing digital transformation in enterprises.

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