IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Conflicts and Complexities of Homosexuals in Mahesh Dattani’s ‘On a Muggy Night in Mumbai’

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Dr.K.K.Sunalini, Riyaz Mohammad


Mahesh Dattani aims at staging the alternate sexuality, troubles and travails of gays, lesbians, transgender and bi-sexuals. He is probably the first dramatist who is bold enough to present on stage what are generally considered as social taboos yet enjoyed by many. The play, ‘On a Muggy Night in Mumbai’ by Dattani is the finest of the plays which unfold the complexities and complications of the gays and lesbians who have deviant sexual interests. The LGBTQ are generally excluded from the mainstream of society and treated as deviants. Dattani takes the side of these deviants and in every act of the play, he tries to present the conflictual situations blended with potential characterization and thought-provoking dialogues. This paper aims to analyze the complications and complexities of the same-sex desiring individuals depicted in the play, On a Muggy Night in Mumbai. The researchers analyzed how Dattani has succeeded in making a bold presentation of the pains of the marginalized sections of contemporary urban society highlighting the hypocritical nature of the heterosexuals who pretend to accept the other as equal to them but, in reality, they do not. The analysis revealed that Dattani envisions a balance between the wide interests, desires, longings, and beliefs of different people in society. He, through his plays, emphasizes the fact that homosexuals are part of our society and we cannot ignore them. Furthermore, this study suggests that the mainstreams can only suppress the voices of homosexuals but cannot completely obliterate them.

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