IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Communication Impact of Advertising Messages on Consumer Behavior Models

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Dr. Ram Bajaj


This paper aims to identify the importance of the advertising message and the models that explain consumer behavior on the consumer's desires, and to analyze the factors affecting his consumer behavior and how decisions are made. On this basis, studying consumer behavior and understanding the reality of the role played by the consumer becomes necessary to explain many social and economic phenomena on the one hand, and on the other hand, demarcate the treatment of production and distribution policies. And a good choice of means, because the construction and formulation of the message and the design of the advertisement depend on the type of medium that will be used, and you need a special type of research to renew the appropriate type of message, and the type of competitive advantage to be mentioned. His desire to acquire the commodity, explaining to him how and from where to obtain it, and actually pushing him to buy. Thus, this paper will focus on what is related to the advertising message and how to design advertising messages in order to be more attractive and effective, and what is related to some analytical models that contribute to the interpretation of consumer behavior

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