IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The assistance of technology in enhancing the proficiency of English language learners

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Ms. Sameera. V Dr. M. Latha


The benefits of utilizing technology in English language teaching and learning have been the subject of some studies. According to Hennessy (2005), the usage of ICT serves as a catalyst for inspiring teachers and students to approach their work in novel ways. The researcher recognized that teachers feel they should encourage and support their students' independent thought and action as they become more autonomous. The use of computer-assisted language learning (CALL) modifies students' attitudes about learning and boosts their self-confidence (Lee, 2001). ICTs (information and communication technologies) can help in teaching and learning in several ways. First, learners take an active part, which can aid in their memory retention. Following conversations incorporate more information where students are concerned can increase their independence. Finally, students' language learning powers can improve because of their ability to process new learner-based educational materials (Costley, 2014; Tutkun, 2011).

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