IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

The Agrarian System During the Adil Shahi Sultans to The Progress of The Bijapur Region

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Mr.Saddamhusain Mujawar, Dr. Chandrakant Koligudde


The Adil Shahi dynasty's agricultural system was highly diverse and productive, vital to the kingdom's economy. The primary crops included staples such as rice, wheat, millet, and pulses, ensuring a stable food supply. The kingdom made substantial investments in irrigation infrastructure to support agriculture. This included the construction of tanks (artificial lakes) and canals, which ensured a reliable water supply even in the arid regions of the Deccan plateau. Wells were also commonly used, and river-based irrigation systems were developed where feasible. These irrigation methods were crucial for maintaining agricultural productivity and stability. Agriculture under the Adil Shahi dynasty was not just about crop production; it was a well-organized system involving detailed land measurement, tax assessment, and efficient revenue collection. Officials like Deshmukhs and Deshpande played key roles in managing these processes, ensuring that the agrarian system was both productive and sustainable. The agricultural surplus supported internal trade and commerce with other regions, including the Mughal Empire and European trading companies, further enhancing Bijapur's economic prosperity.

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