IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Prin. Dr. Bal Kamble


Research is a phenomenon which brings out the observations and the conclusions about the understanding of problems and to make human life happy. Day by day the process of research is getting new dimensions in the changing scenario. It is an intellectual effort to examine and re-examine the environment and the position of human beings in it. This concept of research is basically connected with human endeavour, evaluation, environment and growth of human history. It is an integral part of the academic pursuits in the past. Research has given to the mankind various theories, principles and tools for the better living. In the earlier stage, man has no idea of economic, social, cultural, political and anthropological aspects of existence with the progress of time man has increased his curiosity and it led him to understand the environment through different angles. This awareness of man is manifested in a process which is aptly known as Research.

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