IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study on Biodiversity Preservation and its Importance

Main Article Content

Souvik Sur


Biodiversity offers the essential commodities and services that enable human civilization to survive and thrive economically and socially. Biodiversity is under danger all over the globe because of various variables including territory fracture and misfortune, environmental change, asset misuse, and impractical asset use. It is unavoidable to be worried about biodiversity preservation even with continuous misfortune. The Convention on Biological Variety is a responsibility by nations to economically keep up with and utilize natural variety to serve current and people in the future. India, and user assorted nation, is focused on monitoring its rich organic legacy. This is vital for our financial and social advancement. This study discussed the prevention of biodiversity and its methods. This study helps the people of India to Create Biodiversity Communication, Education, as well as sored Public Awareness.

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