IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study of the Sociological Impact of Mass Media on Rural Development

Main Article Content

Gire Sachin Madhavrao


The study of the sociological impact of mass media on rural development is a crucial exploration in understanding the transformative potential of media in shaping rural communities. Mass media, encompassing television, radio, print, and digital platforms, wields substantial influence in disseminating information, shaping perceptions, and catalyzing social change in rural areas. This study seeks to investigate the multifaceted dynamics between mass media and rural development, emphasizing its role in disseminating agricultural knowledge, promoting healthcare awareness, and fostering community cohesion. By analyzing the access, content, and reception of media in rural settings, this research aims to uncover how mass media can either bridge or exacerbate the rural-urban information gap. Furthermore, it delves into the implications of media-driven social change on traditional rural values and practices. Ultimately, the findings of this study will contribute to informed policies and strategies aimed at harnessing the sociological potential of mass media to catalyze sustainable rural development and empower rural communities.

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