IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study of nursing students with anxiety management and coping strategies

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1Poonam Shah,2Dr. Borane Vijay Ramdas


This study investigates the experiences of nursing students in managing anxiety and utilizing coping strategies. Nursing education can be demanding, leading to heightened stress levels among students. This research aims to shed light on the challenges nursing students face in this regard and how they navigate them. Through surveys, interviews, and data analysis, we explore the various stressors encountered during nursing education and the coping mechanisms employed by students. We also assess the effectiveness of existing anxiety management programs and support systems within nursing schools. this study provide valuable insights into the specific needs of nursing students and highlight areas where improvements can be made in educational institutions to better support their mental well-being. Ultimately, by understanding and addressing these issues, we aim to enhance the overall experience and success of nursing students as they prepare to enter the healthcare profession.

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