IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study of Firecracker Content of Various Manufacturers

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Sunil Kumar Gaur


This study is needed because illicit manufacture, accidental fires, arson, and other crimes are on the rise. It is important to examine the fireworks to determine whether or not were produced according to standard process that follows focuses on the many instrumentations and colorimetric measurements that are used to identify the precise structure and percentage ratio of unique fire crackers. Electron Microscopy, and Potentiometer are the most commonly used instruments. They're used to figure out items like anions, cations, other metals, organic substances, resins, and so on. Different brands of firecrackers from various manufacturing firms were purchased and evaluated in the tests detailed below. Despite the high frequency of explosive injuries in India, little studies on the quality evaluation of fire crackers have been performed in the country. The bulk of the research has been done on incidents that have occurred in the United States. It is important that greater research of explosions, explosives, and explosive debris be done in order to help in the investigation of these events. Researchers will determine whether any heavy explosive substance is used to increase the effectiveness of the fire crackers, which may be as powerful as a bomb.

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