IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study of Data Science in HealthCare Implications

Main Article Content

Dr E. SriDevi V.PremaLatha


Humans are made by the Almighty with a variety of needs and desires, which links them to their own data. decisions and inclinations. To expand and advance any company or For businesses, it is imperative to understand the needs and desires of their clients.needs of the client based on their data. The changing function of data makes it an extremely important component of any organisation and is carried convinced processes. This paper will present a study that was conducted.concerning Data Science and its applicability to AI,deep learning and machine learning. The application of these data-driven intellectual sciences Science has applications in perming Several operations in our study that we attempted to llustrate the tasks related to data science, such as data cleansing, data processing, and data techniques for modelling, data visualisation, and data presentations. Any business that wants to expand must understand its customers' needs and make wise decisions to meet their expectations going forward creations. The clever data operations or algorithms in the Data science improves the usefulness of data for decision-making and policies for decisions. Also, we emphasise how data science integrates logical, statistical, and mathematical techniques utilising artificial intelligence techniques to reason.We also concentrate on the different data operations tools available in the like SAS, R, Python, and many more.Finally, we turn our attention to how the data science field will fulfil the future demands of numerous businesses. This research paper has the potential to serve as a valuable resource for individuals conducting research and seeking guidance from the data science field when making business-related decisions.

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