IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study Of Business Models Of E-Commerce In Rural Areas Of Vidarbha Region

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Prof. Abhijit Joshi, Dr. Shailesh Kediya


E-commerce has emerged as a transformative force in bridging the urban-rural divide in India, offering rural consumers unprecedented access to a wide array of products and services that were previously out of reach. By leveraging technology, e-commerce platforms have been able to transcend geographical barriers, bringing urban conveniences to rural settings. This shift not only enhances the purchasing power of rural consumers but also empowers them with choices that extend beyond their local markets. E-commerce in rural areas has the potential to democratize access to quality goods and services, ranging from electronics and clothing to essential household items, thus improving the overall standard of living. Moreover, the entry of e-commerce into rural regions fosters a more inclusive economic environment where the benefits of digital commerce are shared broadly, contributing to the economic upliftment of these areas.

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