IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Study in Policies of Solar Energy in India

Main Article Content

Garima Goswami


Sunlight based energy is significant in compensating electrical energy since there is a little drop in this energy because of expanded interest and decrease propensities of conventional wellsprings of force, like coal, petrol, and flammable gas, just as consistent ecological and climatic deviations to oversee dynamic this photovoltaic association in an electrical construction to reward and foster the energy. A photovoltaic establishment is an assortment of photovoltaic modules introduced in an electrical construction to deliver power from the sun at a modest expense. Until recently, solar energy has had limited use and scope, and it has not been made widely accessible. In addition, the system's efficiency has been limited, resulting in an output that is insufficient when compared to input, with some solar panels having an efficiency of less than twenty-seven percent. As new trends and discoveries arise, it will become more adaptive and helpful to the broader public this paper deals with them. A number of technological challenges influencing the renewable energy research are also highlighted, as well as effective interfaces among regulatory and policy frameworks. To aid in the investigation and implementations of alternate solar energy solutions, a future roadmap for the solar study is offered.

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