IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Strategic Management Approaches for Wireless Sensor Technology in Precision Agriculture

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Mr. Chakradhar Borkute, Dr. V N. Sayankar


This research paper investigates strategic management approaches for the integration of wireless sensor technology in precision agriculture. It aims to explore the diverse strategies employed by agricultural management teams to influence wireless sensors for optimizing agricultural operations. By analyzing case studies and industry practices, this study examines the multifaceted considerations involved in deploying and managing wireless sensor networks in precision agriculture. The research seeks to uncover key insights into the strategic decision-making processes, resource allocation strategies, and organizational structures adopted by agricultural enterprises to effectively utilize wireless sensor technology. Additionally, it examines the challenges and opportunities associated with the adoption and implementation of wireless sensor-based solutions in agricultural management. The findings of this research contribute to a deeper understanding of strategic management practices in the context of precision agriculture, providing valuable guidance for agricultural stakeholders seeking to harness the potential of wireless sensor technology for improved farm performance and sustainability.

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