IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

State of Art of Library Websites of Academic Colleges of Maharashtra State

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Shweta Pathak, Dr. Kishorsingh R. Chungade


Lately the library had to transfer its services and operations in view of the rapid developments in the field of information and technology. Moreover, the way information is accumulated, stored, shared and provided as per demand is also changing very rapidly. In view of this the library websites provide an opportunity to interact with its user about the changes occurring in the functioning of libraries. Moreover, the website design is an output of the thinking of its creator and barring few common aspects there appears a special feature in these websites. In view of the above, this study has been carried out to study the state of art of websites of academic colleges of Maharashtra. The study was conducted by using standard methodology and the data was collected using an online survey method. All the statistical analysis was carried out by using SPSS 18.0 Software. Based on the results of this study, it was evident that the websites of most of the libraries are designed by professional developer and with an aim to improve usability of resources. The results also indicate that the librarians need skills with respect to new technologies apart from core traditional librarianship skills. Furthermore, most of the librarians revealed that simple navigation and easy access to search are very important feature of a user friendly library website.

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