IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Sri Aurobindo’s ideas on Human Consciousness and the need of the hour to build up Ideal Human Unity

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A. Pavani


India is a special place where a rich cultural history is behind. Moreover, India is very famous for unity in diversity as. It is considered so because there is uniformity among various people who belong 2 various religions. However, the real unity lies in uniformity among various people and nations. Moreover, basically nation's unity among the people is based on its their psychological bonding within themselves which is called consciousness. A nations' uniformity is always static as it depends on persons consciousness, character and enforced from without based on economic or political ideologies. On the other hand, nations are forced to be uniform, hegemony of one over the others will result sarva manava saubradtruthva (Welfare of humans). The basic fundamental nature of human being is to be or being spiritual. Hence, only until one can uncover each person's genuine self, can be expected to establish a human harmony. But, if we advocate for international harmony, then we must foster the psychological ties that bind people together on the inside.

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