IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Sri Aurobindo’s Connection With Art And Humanity With Reference To His Concept Of Yoga

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Ashwani Kumari,Dr. Yogesh Chander Sood


Sri Aurobindo was one of the India's most memorable spiritual leaders. He was essentially an intellectual, a poet, a philosopher, and above all a yogi. His activity as a writer can give the impression that he has lived his four or five different lives in his one life. His creativity and muse came from his yoga practice and ascension to higher states of mind and consciousness. He wrote extensively on yoga and its poetic genius, which is expressed in his masterpiece work 'Savitri'. Spirituality is a single word that describes the three lines of human striving for divine knowledge, divine love and joy, and divine power, which can be expressed in form while satisfying the internal joy of Supramental vision. It is the highest and most perfect art that satisfies the law, beauty, the emotional assertion of man, the expression of life and external reality, is the inner spiritual truth, the deeper non-trivial reality of things, the joy of God in the world, manifestation of divinity expressed in the phenomenal creation of the God. In this essay, Sri Aurobindo discusses the strong connection between the art and human nature in relation to his concept of Integral yoga.

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