IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Solid Waste Management: Impacts and Health Effects

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Amit Kumar


India is identified for being single of the furthermost densely populated states in the creation. It appears to be the second most populous country in terms of population. The total population is expected to be around 1.37 billion in 2019. There have been problems with the administration of metropolitan strong waste in India. Several simple factors such as urbanization in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, increasing world population, rapid processing and distribution, unequal living conditions and intensification of industrialization had predictable remaining degradable and negative consequences for non-generations. This research goes through the challenges associated with waste composition, processes, negative environmental impacts, health problems, inadequate waste management treatment strategies and community compacted unwanted administration systems. According to the findings of this research, existing facilities are deteriorating due to lack of care, excessive waste generation, insufficient collection capacity, delays in permitting new waste dumps and few building entrances causing fires. The results of the city's waste management are examined.

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