IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Socio-cultural Issues in Namita Gokhale's Paro: Dreams of Passion: An analysis

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Sarika Soni,Dr. Vasant Prabhakar Gawai


Namita Gokhale is an Indian novelist who builds up her works with a different vision. She creates her own signature on the contemporary Indian women's literature list with her frank presentation of the realities of life. Namita Gokhale's Paro: Dreams of Passion (1984) presents a study of love and sexual liberation in women of the Indian scenario. Through her characters, she depicts women and men's status in society and their relationships through real-time experiences. She covers urban life in her first novel, Paro: Dreams of Passion, which explores men and women's lifestyles. She succeeds in presenting alternative realities with her new woman voice 'Paro' who is searching for herself. Identity and self-autonomy with liberation.

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