IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Socialized Emotions: Reflections on Sobha De’s Socialite Evenings

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Chodiganji Ravi


The present paper focuses on socialized emotions which control a woman’s life entirely in Sobha De’s novel Socialite Evenings (1989). Sobha De is an eminent novelist and columnist of contemporary India. She mainly deals with the issues concerning modern society and her main concern is on the different facets of the urban Indian society. The themes of her novels reveal how she has been enthusiastically engaged in bringing about a radical social change and demanding recognition of the women’s position and potentiality in the development of the human society. Socialite Evenings is her maiden novel and it has been critically acclaimed and considered as a masterpiece in the realm of feminism. The novel is about the protagonist Karuna who undergoes all kinds of socialized emotions like gender discrimination, inequality, taboos of arranged marriage etc. Unlike her mother, she rejects all kinds of injustice and is able to pass from bondage to freedom, from indecision to self-assertion and from weakness to strength.

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