IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Adolescence, a period of transition between childhood and adulthood, is marked by a whirlwind of physical, cognitive, and social changes. This paper explores the complex landscape of social behavior and adjustment in adolescents, highlighting the key influences and challenges they face. The social arena becomes paramount during adolescence. Friendships transition from play-based to more intimate and supportive relationships. Peer groups offer a sense of belonging and validation, influencing everything from clothing choices to risktaking behaviors. Adolescents experiment with different social roles, seeking to establish their identity within the group dynamic. Family dynamics also play a crucial role. Supportive and open communication with parents fosters positive social development. Conversely, strained family relationships can lead to social isolation and withdrawal. Social media adds another layer of complexity. It provides a platform for connection and self-expression, but also fosters comparison, anxiety, and cyber bullying. Adolescents navigate the delicate balance between curating an online persona and maintaining authentic relationships. The quest for social acceptance can lead adolescents to engage in risky behaviors, such as substance use or early sexual activity. These behaviors can be a misguided attempt to fit in or impress peers.

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