IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Smart Grid Asset Monitoring and Management through Blockchain Technology

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Mr. J M Babu,Sk. Mohammad Waseem, Y. Naga Divya, S. Sankeerthana, Y. Jahnavi
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/V11/I12/195


The smart grid is an electrical network built on digital technology that transmits power to users in both directions. The system enables monitoring, analysis, control, and communication throughout the supply chain to enhance efficiency, lower energy usage and expenses, and increase the supply chain’s transparency and dependability. Here, we used a number of IOT devices to obtain meter readings and related information and send them to the control center for processing the data and adding them to the blockchain ledgers. During the transmission of data from IoT devices to the control center, the data can be tampered. This can be prevented using a blockchain. Identification and communication will also be implemented to maintain confidentiality and reliability which can be attained through ABE. We will outline a architecture for a blockchain-based platform for managing smart grids that include tamper-proof registration and energy data metering. We used the blockchain to manage transactions in the smart grid

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