IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Silence in Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No Terrors

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With the emergence of Indian Women Novelists on the scene the image of woman as a silent sufferer and as the main source of sustenance of Indian family life and culture at the expense of her autonomy and happiness gave way to an independent, self-willed, free-thinking individual--claiming her life to be her own. Idealized, self-abnegating and self-effacing traditional woman has become a passé. The present paper makes an attempt to analyze the facets of feminism in the novel The Dark Holds No Terrors of Shashi Deshpande because the novel readily encompasses most of the factors of the above-mentioned Act which voices the woman’s victimization in the name of culture and tradition. The novel is not only a fine example of male domination in the form of sexual violence but is also an incisive analysis of human psyche as it interacts with the people around, male and female alike.

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