IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Significance of Food and Nutrition in the Work Life Balance of Working Women IT Professional with reference to Cloud Computing Technology Industry

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Dr. Zameerahmed S. Mulla,Dr. Vaishali Jawale,Dr. Jyothi Pawar


Food and nutrition are an important aspect of the work-life balance of working women as it ensures their ability to perform day-to-day functions as well as physical and mental well-being. This study aims at identifying the relationship between food and nutrition in the work life of IT professional with reference to cloud computing technology industry. To this end, the sample reviewed a wide variety of e-selected Internet sources, among which were journals, magazines, online blogs and online news feeds. The primary data was gathered by means of a questionnaire for 144 working women in the cloud computing technology industry. Quantitative methods such as frequency analysis has been used. The study concluded that food and nutrition play important roles in the work life of these professionals who are employed in companies involving cloud computing technology industries.

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