IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Short Video Content Effectiveness and Influence on Young Adults’ Purchase Intentions

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Dr. Debashree Souvik Jana


The Effectiveness of a Short video and its Influence on Young adults’ intention to purchase is not an illusionary phenomenon. Various research has been carried out on short video content effectiveness and correlation to purchase intention but failed to focus on only young adults and factors of attention, engagement metric, and visual appeal. This research paper was focused on the limit of young adults who have ages ranging from 18 years to 26 years. These age group individuals are always seen as catalysts for adopting new technologies and harnessing the wants and desires of bringing new horizons in consumer behavior. This research paper was intended to capture the uncommon elements yet perceived as highly effective in deciding the purchase intentions of these young adults. The research was carried out with a survey through a structured questionnaire distributed amongst motivated young adults and it spanned across various demographic and economic situations. Three hundred and eighty-eight respondents had a positive attitude to respond to this research intention and participated in unbiased responses. The statistical analysis of the data collected discovered that there are strong correlation between factors such as age, time spent on short video formats, attention-grabbing nature, visual appeal, and engagement metric, attributing to the purchase intentions of the users. The research paper highlights various research carried out by eminent researchers in this field but their horizons were limited to factors not considering psychometric elements such as attention-grabbing nature with a combination of visual appeal and engagement metric.

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